Frankie Ballard at Wisconsin Country Thunder

Getting to Know Miss Kira P: From Music Photography to Golf Influencer

Introduction to Miss Kira P

Hello Everyone,

I’m excited to share a bit about myself and my journey with you all. My name is Miss Kira P, and I’d love to give you an insight into my world and how I transitioned from a music photographer to a golf influencer.

A Decade in Music Photography

Before diving into the golf industry over five years ago, I was deeply immersed in the music scene as a photographer based in the Greater Milwaukee Area. I had the privilege of capturing photographs and conducting interviews with a diverse range of bands and artists. My work took me to some of the most vibrant music festivals, including Summerfest, Chicago Open Air, Windy City Smokeout, and Country Thunder. This period was filled with unforgettable experiences and connections with incredible people across the globe. Below are some photographs highlighting my past work.

Transition to the Media World

After a decade in music photography, I ventured into a new career in the media world. This role focused on golf, craft breweries, distilleries, wineries, and travel. My team and I produced podcasts, electronic magazines, and social media content, covering events in both the golf and craft beverage industries. This exposure to the golf community sparked a new passion in me.

Embracing the Golf Industry

In 2019, the LPGA launched the “#inviteher” campaign, encouraging women to learn golf. Although I hadn’t grown up playing golf, my involvement in the golf media industry introduced me to the sport’s beauty and camaraderie. Inspired by this campaign, our media company created a series called “Miss Kira Steps into Golf: 18+1 Series.” This series documented my journey as I learned the basics of golf, from understanding golf clubs and apparel to navigating golf courses with no prior experience.

My Journey into Golf

On Women’s Golf Day, June 7, 2022, I made the decision to fully embrace golf. I drove to Grand Geneva Resort & Spa in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, ready to learn the game. Despite my mixed emotions, I was determined to push past my doubts. With the guidance of my friend and teacher, Alex Jimenez, I learned how to swing my driver and wedges, improving my game significantly.

Finding Passion in Practice

Since that pivotal day, I’ve become a regular at Grand Geneva’s Driving Range during the summer. The progress I’ve made since I began has been incredibly rewarding. If you’ve ever thought about learning golf, I encourage you to take the plunge. It might be frustrating initially, but it’s a journey worth embarking on, and I look forward to it every week.

Looking Ahead

Tomorrow, I have an early morning golf photoshoot at Grand Geneva Resort & Spa. The big question is, what should I wear? Pink, bright yellow, or bright blue? And what time should I go to bed tonight?

Wishing you all a fabulous Wednesday.

“Hit ’em straight,”

Miss Kira P

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